Definition of Western gorilla

1. Noun. (Gorilla gorilla), a great ape and the most populous species of the genus Gorilla ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Western Gorilla

western blind snake
western blot
western blot analysis
western capercaillie
western chimpanzee
western chokecherry
western coral snake
western crab apple
western dewberry
western diamondback rattlesnake
western diamondback rattlesnakes
western equine encephalomyelitis
western equine encephalomyelitis virus
western fence lizard
western gorilla
western gorillas
western gray squirrel
western grey kangaroo
western hemisphere
western hemlock
western holly fern
western kingbird
western ladies' tresses
western larch
western lowland gorilla
western meadowlark
western mugwort
western narrow-mouthed toad
western omelet

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